Unga röster från Västafrika
Sedan 2012 bedriver CIS ett utbildningsprogram för unga politiker i Västafrika, PYPA – Program for Young Politicians in Africa. Det är ett tvärpolitiskt program vars mål är att stärka ungdomars deltagande och inflytande i politiken och i samhället.
Varje år utbildar CIS tillsammans med sin partner IGD drygt 20 unga kvinnor och 20 unga män från Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Mali, Elfenbenskusten, Senegal och Togo i allt från ideologi, antikorruptionsarbete, jämställdhet och hållbar utveckling till konflikthantering, kommunikation, ledarskap och kampanjarbete. Läs mer om programmet på CIS hemsida.
Nedan berättar några PYPA-deltagare hur programmet förändrat deras liv:
Guy Armand Adjoumani, Cote d’Ivoire, PYPA 2018
PYPA has had a positive impact in my life. Before PYPA, I would do things without planning or having a strategy. Today, after I have received the training, I manage to carry out activities in accordance with a plan, and I also feel more open to the rest of the world. I exchange ideas with others and feel much more comfortable in my communication. PYPA also taught me how to be a leader not just by giving orders but rather by working alongside others and contributing to the activity success. In other words, PYPA allowed me to become a better team player.
Sokhna Ba, Senegal, PYPA 2018,
Thanks to PYPA, I have now a deep commitment in my party. PYPA allowed me to assert myself as a young person but also as a woman. This assertiveness has allowed me to become an assistant at the secretariat of my party where I am responsible for organizing different party activities. Thanks to PYPA, I have become more open-minded and it is now easier for me to build relationships with others.
Yayé Saley Harouna, Niger, PYPA 2013,
PYPA has changed a lot of things in my life. First, I learned to speak in public and I am now able to speak in front of any kind of people. Then, it also changed my way of thinking about politics. Before, I thought that politics was a way for me to access certain privileges or to be used as a social ladder. But now I have realized that it is a way to develop my country and make it independent from the West. Finally, PYPA allowed me to understand how democratic systems serve as a solid base for development in some countries. This is not the case yet in my country Niger where politics is a place to settle accounts or a tool to provide services for relatives, friends and acquaintances. Long life to PYPA!
Christine Akénan, Cote d’Ivoire, PYPA 2016,
PYPA allowed me to overcome my shyness and lack of confidence. Today I feel very comfortable with expressing myself in public during big gatherings of my party. Thanks to PYPA, I am now the first responsible for representing my party at my municipality. I am also a very active member within my party leadership and a trainer at courses organized for new young party members. PYPA also allowed me to become a less impulsive, more responsible and well organized person.
Yoro Sylvain Teti, Cote d’Ivoire, PYPA 2018,
Firstly, the module on gender was crucial for me in PYPA. Before my participation in PYPA, I had always minimized women. This has changed after PYPA. I now encourage young girls to participate in all the spheres of life (politics, community, jobs which are considered to be reserved for men, etc.). I have recently encouraged a young woman who wanted to write a paper. Now, she is very active in the party.
Secondly, the political council within my party highly appreciates my inputs now. It did not happen before PYPA. PYPA has become a very efficient tool in my political career.
Médissa Sama, Togo, PYPA 2018,
I am currently engaged as a mentor in the Mentorship Program for Young Entrepreneurs called YIC LIFE. I have trained over hundred young entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs. I have also recently received an award “Strong Women” for promoting women’s representation at the local elections in Togo. Last month I delivered a speech on keys to success in front of 2500 people. I am also politically active and work as an assistant of one of the key politicians in the party.
Franck Iboye, Cote d’Ivoire, PYPA 2016,
Politically, I now express my thoughts in public even if I know that my remarks could shock the party executives. During the recent meeting of the political bureau, I asked the president of the party in public to provide us with a financial report on his management activities.
As for my career development, I now represent my direct superiors at the meetings and conferences in Abidjan and all over the country. I also represented them in Ghana some days ago. I believe that PYPA’s module on political communication has strengthened me a lot.